Data theory and computationnal mehods Society

Classification methods and artificial intelligence commitee

Develop methodologies and computational tools to solue problems using statistical classification methods such as PCA, AFCM, ACM,...

Biostatistics and big data methods commitee

Develop methodologies and tools to solue Biostatistical technical contains important Bayesian methods component, survival analysis and generalized linear mixte models .

Population modeling commitee

Develop population projection methods and computational tools and population modeling theories and methods .

socio-economic commitee

Develop socio-economic methods and computational tools

Who are we?

We are a non-political, non-union scientific society whose general objective is to develop methods and computer applications for improving data quality and analysis. We are a group of Africans from different disciplines who have decided to share their knowledge and experience with a view to solving methodological problems facing African countries, but also, more broadly, to make our contribution to the major challenges facing the world scientific community with regard to data issues. It is a learned society that intends to innovate by bringing together those passionate about fundamental research and decision-makers in order to solve important problems. .

What are we doing?

We bring together experts from different fundamental fields to reflect on current problems and find appropriate solutions. Our ambitions are to help develop training/teaching manuals, train students and build the capacity of those involved in data issues,

Why are we doing it?

We are creating a comminity of experts in fondamental data theory and methods networking with other comminities in Africa and the world to promote and to research, improve teaching and learning in data related topics.Improve scientific publications in the continent, provide learning and job opportunities to the youth and promote the disciplines of statistics, demography and computer sciences through the theory, methods and fondamental tools centered arroud data .

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From 20 to 24 August 2024: Annual Conference on Complexe data theory, methods and computational solutions Open call for abstract December 2023 to March 20204 Sessions: Bayesian approach, Survival methods, classification methods, Artificial intelligence, Big data and socio media data

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Title: Complex data Methods : Represantativeness and difficult access to the targeted population A training session is planned from 20 to 25 November 2023.

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Upcoming activities

November 20 to 24: Training session

Copyright 2023 by bfdatasociety